Key developments

Gilles Blondeau & Compagnie an actuarial consulting firm, was created.
L’Assurance-vie du St-Laurent was acquired and transformed into a reinsurance business. It will become St-Laurent, Compagnie de Réassurance, and OPTIMUM REASSURANCE INC.
La Solidarité, Compagnie d’Assurances sur la Vie, with its head office in Paris, was acquired. Its name changed a first time for Vie Optimum and later on for OPTIMUM VIE S.A.
Société Nationale d’Assurance inc. was acquired and will become OPTIMUM INSURANCE COMPANY INC.
The holding that would become the parent company of OPTIMUM GROUP INC. was created from a corporate standpoint.
Publicité Synergie Inc. was created. Its name changed a first time for Synergie Informatique inc. and later on for OPTIMUM INFORMATIQUE INC.
1982 - 2018
Acquisition of several portfolios in reinsurance, life insurance, asset management and actuarial consulting as well as real estate assets in Canada, the United States and in France.
The property and casualty insurance business, British Columbia Insurance Company, was acquired. Its name changed later on for OPTIMUM WEST INSURANCE COMPANY INC.
Les Conseillers financiers du St-Laurent Inc. was created and will become OPTIMUM ASSET MANAGEMENT INC.
The Ontario business, The Northern Frontier General Insurance Company, was acquired. Its name changed later on for National Frontier Insurance Company which merged afterwards with OPTIMUM INSURANCE COMPANY INC.
The American business, Scor Re Life Insurance Company, was acquired and will become OPTIMUM RE INSURANCE COMPANY.
Gore Générale, Compagnie d’Assurance inc. was acquired and merged with Société Nationale d’Assurance inc.
Les Clairvoyants, Compagnie d’Assurance Générale inc. was acquired and merged with Société Nationale d’Assurance inc.
Union Québécoise, Compagnie d’Assurances Générales inc. was acquired. Its name changed later on for Optimum Farm Insurance Inc. which merged afterwards with OPTIMUM INSURANCE COMPANY INC.
The business of Les Conseillers en Valeurs Razorbill inc. is acquired and integrated to OPTIMUM ASSET MANAGEMENT INC.
The business of Hillswick Asset Management based in Connecticut is acquired by the new American subsidiary OPTIMUM QUANTVEST CORPORATION.