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Management and Board members





Management and Board members

Our managers and leaders are actuaries and professionals from various activity sectors who ensure the growth and sustainability of the Group while adhering to rigorous rules of governance.

The Group also relies on the expertise of directors, including several non-members of our management, who sit on the different boards of the companies of the Group.

Management team of Optimum Group Inc.

Jean-Claude Pagé

Jean-Claude Pagé

Chair of the Board

Anabelle Blondeau

Anabelle Blondeau

President and Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chair of the Board

Louis Fontaine

Louis Fontaine

Executive Advisor

Claude Lamonde

Claude Lamonde

Senior Vice President, Investments and Strategic Projects

Chantal Brulé

Chantal Brulé

Senior Vice President, Finance and Treasurer

Benoît D. Lapointe

Benoît D. Lapointe

Senior Vice President, Legal and Corporate Affairs and General Secretary

Simon Bélanger

Simon Bélanger

Vice President, Projects and Business Analysis

Maude Cloutier

Maude Cloutier

Vice President, Human Resources

Martin Fortin

Martin Fortin

Vice President, Information Technology and Security

Mathieu Gilbert

Mathieu Gilbert

Vice President, Accounting

Michel Hébert

Michel Hébert

Vice President, Innovation and Special Projects

Board members of Optimum Group Inc.

Jean-Claude Pagé

Jean-Claude Pagé

Chair of the Board 
Optimum Group Inc.

Anabelle Blondeau

Anabelle Blondeau

Vice Chair of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer 
Optimum Group Inc.

Louis Fontaine

Louis Fontaine

Executive Advisor

Claude Lamonde

Claude Lamonde

Optimum Holdings Inc.

Sébastien Blondeau

Sébastien Blondeau

Executive Vice President
Optimum Re Inc.

External Board members

Charles Belzil

Charles Belzil

Corporate Director

Pierre Bienvenu

Pierre Bienvenu

IMK s.e.n.c.r.l./LLP

Nathalie Blondeau

Nathalie Blondeau

Corporate Director

Jacques Gagnon

Jacques M. Gagnon

Corporate Director

Anne Joli-Coeur

Anne Joli-Coeur

Corporate Director

Michel Theroux

Michel Théroux

Corporate Director

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